Director: John Kalangis
Writer: John Kalangis
Synopsis: It was just an ordinary outing to the country for a doctor and his daughter. That is, until the flesh-eating zombies showed up. Stopping in a quiet town famous for its organic beef, the travelers run up against a mutated strain of virus that turns people into the undead and hamburger patties into ravenous killers. Billy Zane stars in this tongue-in-cheek horror comedy where the cows aren't the only things that are mad.
1) ACTING--No problems here. Everyone here can act and there were no big stand outs when it came to bad actors. Billy Zane seemed to really have fun doing this movie, and it makes ya wonder how much of his character was scripted and how much of it was him, "hamming" it up. A lot of character development in this movie and the actors all seemed to enjoy doing the "slapstick" in this movie.
2) MAKE UP & SPECIAL EFFECTS--No issues here. A good amount of blood and gore is thrown around and the zombies look pretty good. Speaking of zombies...
3) THE ZOMBIES--Nothing new to see here. Good makeup, minimal use of the "white faced, raccoon eyed zombie make up that seems to be in abundance nowadays. The zombies aren't runners, but they are very aggressive when attempting to chow on various peoples.
4) THE CAUSE--This is our little morality lesson for the day. The farmer that provides the beef to the town is using some very un-organic chemicals to fatten the livestock so he gets more money for his produce and gets away with it, due to some loophole in the USDA's guidelines. Anyone who eats any of his tainted meat begins their transformation into a blood-thirsty zombie. Usually, it's the big corporation taking advantage of the little business guy trying to hold his own, but this time, it's just one guy (and his son) out to make a quick buck at the expense of others. The survivors feel they need to make this situation "right" and head off to the farm where it all began to stop it all, instead of just hightailing it out of town.
5) SOUNDTRACK--Done by a Canadian group named Half Past Four. The movie ends up with a fun 1980's sound, but when the bass begins, it's turned up so obnoxiously loud and forces you to grab the remote control to try and balance out the music in between the talking and regular chomp fests. No heavy metal thrash, though.
6) CONTINUITY--Only one real thing stood out. Near the end, when Jason turns the lights on at the farm, the plaster on Johnny's forehead is gone, leaving his wound visible. A little bit later, it has reappeared covering up the wound again.
7) NUDITY--None.
FINAL: Overall, a fun little entry in the "zomedy" genre, in the same vein as Shaun of the Dead. (SotD was much better) It's not incredible, but at least worthy of a rental.
3 out of 5 stars
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