A unique experience to partake in with friends and strangers alike. A zombie apocalypse!
Welcome to the official Zombie Apocalypse Kickstarter!
Wait what? How can you Kickstart a zombie apocalypse?
Well it's Quite Simple
Below is a map of North America.

Here's how the Apocalypse works.
1) Select a shirt from the available options. Your choices are...

2) A red location dot (your location) will be added to the a map similar to the one above based on your State and zip code from your provided shipping address at the conclusion of the Kickstarter, if successful.
The shirt will showcase your design of choice on the front, with the final image of the map of backer zombie locations printed on the back.
Then What?
3) Then... we all wear our shirts on ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE DAY!!! On this day, our physical locations will match the exact map on the back of the shirt.
Zombie apocalypse day's exact date and the words "Happy Zombie Apocalypse!" will be printed on the back of the shirt as well to save the occasion!

The official date of Zombie Apocalypse Day will be confirmed after the Kickstarter ends, if successful. This is to ensure shirts can be made (and made in time) and shipped out before the chosen date. This date will most likely be Saturday, October 4th.
On zombie apocalypse day, one should avoid gnawing on strangers (unless they're into it) and chasing down police officers.
We recommend you partake in festivities including but not limited to:
- Zombie themed BBQs
- Limping slightly
- Loitering in your own house
- Consuming brain shaped confectionery treats you prepared on zombie apocalypse eve!
You could even plan a sweet zombie dance rave or simply limp around your house at your own leisure.
The sky's the limit!
Zombie Livestream
If your not busy piling up against chain link fences or wielding a slightly bulging eye, you could always join us for a ZOMBIE LIVESTREAM!
Join me and my two brothers for a futon cam zombie-through of Resident Evil 1 Remake or Resident Evil 4!
The livestream will take place on Zombie Apocalypse Day and will most likely go on from 2:00 pm EST to 10:00 pm EST. We may go past this time in our goal to beat either game in one sitting for your viewing pleasure.
Post your zombie apocalypse day festivities on our official facebook page. This page will be spammed with zombie related fun, treat ideas, and more the week prior to zombie apocalypse day. The page will be up and linked shortly after the beginning of the Kickstarter.
Spread the word if you like the idea. There's no limit to how many backers can participate if the goal is met. We recommend getting friends and family involved to partake in the fun.
Be a part of the Zombie Apocalypse for a day of fun to remember!

Your Backing
When you pledge and become a part of Zombie Apocalypse Day, what does your pledge cover?
It covers the labor of designing and producing the shirts as well as the daily updating of the project. It will also cover the cost of equipment for a console livestream.
The final goal is to be able to get enough backers to create a sort of pseudo holiday to share with friends and strangers alike. It will be a very enjoyable, unique experience to partake in.
Whose behind the project?
An army of two! Me and my brother Austin are the creators of this project.
We've worked diligently over the past month to get everything ready for the Kickstarter and everything we plan to follow through with.
I planed, organized and researched all information needed for the project and Austin turned all our concept art into a fantastic digital form.
Risks and challenges
The apocalypse may get out of hand and cause the end of the world as we know it... or something like that.
Making sure that the shirts, once printed, can be delivered to our backers on time for zombie apocalypse day is our top priority.
The duration of the Kickstarter, the addition of your location dot, and the estimated completion and shipping of the shirts are all taken into account to ensure you will receive your shirt before the date printed on the shirts map, which will be finalized after the Kickstarter closes if successful.
Although international participation is encouraged, if an international order is placed in a region that is not on the map, a location dot cannot be added. This is due to the limited available space on the map and we apologize for this.
For questions or to make a pledge, click here!