Friday, September 14, 2012


Author: Eric S. Brown

All communications with The Tarican 4 Colony, a new Earth terra-forming project, were lost. No one in Earth Gov. could explain why. A joint military/civilian team of soldiers and experts have been dispatched to investigate the sudden silence, but will they be ready for what they are about to discover?

Read this excerpt!

Commander Devon leaned back in his chair, rubbing his bloodshot eyes with the heels of his hands. He was a tall, barrel-chested man in his early fifties whose face always registered the expression of a man ready to split heads. Only those who had known him for a while knew the truth. He was in fact a fair man who split heads only when it was called for.
He poured himself another cup of tea to help him stay awake while he tried to make sense of the reports scattered over the top of his desk. They all said the same thing. Communications with Tarican 4 had been lost slightly over thirty five hours ago and could not be reestablished though according to long range scans the planet's orbital defense array remained fully functional. Those same scans of the planet revealed no humanoid life. Yet the colony's outer structure was not compromised and the colony’s internal power was still online and fully operational.Devon sighed and looked over at Clark, who sat shuffling through a stack of reports of his own. "It just doesn't make any sense." Devon said. "No matter how you look at it."Clark glanced up at the sound of the commander's voice, setting aside the reports he'd been reading. He was a xeno-biologist and the head of the civilian science team assigned to the mission. He was a small man with pale skin and thick glasses in the style of the 21st century. He refused to undergo any sort of surgery or genetic manipulation to repair his poor sight, preferring to tough out the affliction he'd been born with. His black hair was in complete disarray due to his habit of running his fingers through it repeatedly when he was nervous or working on a complex problem.
"I know what you mean." Clark answered. "No alien force could have made it through the defense stations without at least rendering them inoperable. And there are no documented life forms on Tarican 4 that could have wreaked such havoc on the colony."
Devon scowled. "You sure about that last part?"
"It couldn't have been an equipment malfunction either as everything seems to still be on-line despite our missing colonists. How the Hell do we just lose touch with two thousand people, Doc?"
Clark opened his mouth to reply but before he could form the words, the door to Devon's office dilated open and Sergeant Hobbs, the epitome of the word "military" right down to his crew-cut, constant scowl, and always-at-attention-demeanor, entered.
He saluted Devon automatically, ignoring Clark's presence altogether. "We have established orbit around Tarican 4, sir." His voice was cold and monotone as he continued, "Roberts would like to know if he should begin prepping the drop ships."

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