Thursday, April 19, 2012

Evil Grave: Curse of the Maya (2004)

AKA Dawn of the Living Dead

EAN: 4260057819550 -
             Titel: Evil Grave - Curse of the Maya - DVD-Cover

Director: David Heavener
Writer: David Heavener
Synopsis: The ex-addicted and paranoid Renee and her fiancé and former doctor Jeffrey move together to a remote house nearby the Mexican border. She meets Michael, who works in the area taking care of wind mills, and invites him to have dinner with Jeffrey and her. Sooner they find that the place is under siege of a hungry Mayan descendant family of zombies that was killed by an unknown murderer and cursed by an old ritual.

2 different names still didn't help…OR...2 different names, still 1 bad movie

1) ACTING: Amazingly enough, the acting wasn't ALL that bad. Don't get me wrong; nobody in this flick will be writing that oscar speech anytime soon. But, it wasn't as horrendous as I thought it would be.

2) PRODUCTION: This movie reminded me of a bad Italian zombie flick from the late 1970's / early 1980's. The soundtrack was mediocre, the direction and the editing was choppy and messy, some continuity errors and I'm not sure if the director wanted me, as the viewer, to be confused to what was going on or what. There were just things that I had questions about that were never answered. 5 moons in the sky and no one is concerned? One good thing was that when the zombie action get going (almost 30 minutes into the movie), at least the people behind this movie had the sense to give us lots of blood and gore. And the zombie make up wasn't really all that bad, either.

3) THE ZOMBIES: These are the typical George Romero shamblers that we have all come to know and love. They do what zombies do best; kill and eat. How the zombies have to be "killed" was different from what we're used to. But overall, nothing really new here.

4) THE CAUSE: Evil mayan curse...or is it?

5) NUDITY: Lots of nudity, some of it seemed almost unnecessary.

FINAL: Man! I just watched this and the memory of it is already fading. I have seen terrible zombie movies that I want to forget about and they still linger with me to this day. I have seen great zombies movies that I can remember enjoying so much, that those memories seem as if I had just watched them. This was just another disappointing entry into the zombie genre that we did not need. The only curse related to this movie will be if it stays in your memory and you can't forget that you ever watched it.

RATING: 1.5 out of 5

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