Monday, July 23, 2012


Everyone instinctively thinks guns when it comes to zombie survival. Those of us with experience realize bullets are limited and turn to machetes and blades. The truly ballsy turn to wood... and not even chopped down wood.. but actual trees. Bring it!

One of the toughest moments for Rick and the gang was when Sophia emerged from the Barn as a zombie. Is it wrong that I was glad they finally found and ended her storyline?

Shane steals the show as the tough guy law enforcer but Rick has his moments including when he plays Rock Paper Scissors with a zombies head.

Shane is a man of the gun but he isnt afraid to take advantage of some creative blunt force items.... like a shovel to the head.

We knew that The Walking Dead meant business when in the opening of season 1 Rick guns down a zombie child in brutal fashion. Boo yah!

There have been a lot of memorable zombie blood baths in The Walking Dead but one of the largest was when Shane led the survivors on a rampage of Hershel's barn.

Poor Glen everyone seems to think he is the token Asian guy but when it comes down to zombies messing with his woman he is all business. In this one Glen cleaves the head of a zombie Medieval style!

When Glen isn't cleaving zombies in the head with a machete, he's taking long walks in the woods, holding hands with his girlfriend and oh yes, being sent down a well to retrieve a zombie.

Meryl is gone but we still have Daryl and he is one bad ass mother ......... He also has the weirdest habits including the need to randomly autopsy zombies, as well as collect their ears for a necklace Dolph Lundgren style!

Rick is good with a gun and loved being a deputy but deep down inside he wanted to be a Fireman. Time and time again Rick and the gang go axe-tastic on the undead!

When the Dead Walk the police are not always the ones to call. Rick shows a bit of class and mercy when he puts down the local deputy do right who is now Deputy... mrgggghhhrrrrr braiiiinnnsss.

Although gun's are not always the best choice of weapon for the rise of the dead one guy knows how to do it with class. 1 Bullet, 3 Zombies, 3 Head Shots.. Hells yes!

Andrea has a thing for farm tools & time and time again we can count on her to stab, maim,slash and harpoon the undead. A pitchfork to the head is pretty darn effective.

Laurie has a very unique way of shifting gears in her vehicle. If there is one thing we should all know its if your going to drive around in a world of the undead paying attention and buckling up are key. Nobody wants a zombie in your windshield.

Andrea may not have started out as the strong female ass kicker but as the show has evolved she has gone from whimpering victim to scythe packing zombie slayer!

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