Zombies have literally been done to death (if you excuse the pun) in the FPS genre. Between the likes of Left 4 Dead, the zombies mode in the Treyarch Call of Duty titles and the countless free-to-play and indie titles festering in-between, its certainly been quite easy to burnout on the flesh-munching shamblers.
These days though, its been the likes of cracking Arma II mod Day Z, which is due to be released as a stand-alone title, which have reinvigorated my interest in the undead within action games because it does something more than just toss wave upon wave of the decaying horde at you. Now we can add the newly announced State of Decay to that group of zombie titles which aims to do things a little differently.
Developed by the appropriately named Undead Labs, State of Decay originally began life as an XBLA exclusive called Class 3. Now, some 18 months later, the game has a brand new moniker and has added the PC to its destination platforms.
The game itself is a 3rd-person action title that takes place within a dynamic open world setting. As a survivor, it is up to you decide where you make your stand against the undead throng; designing, building and fortifying your home base with materials that you find lying around the ruined landscape. Ammo and food are also a premium candidate for scavengery, with both the former and latter contributing significantly to your mortality in both the short and long-term.
One key factor to your scavenging which you need to consider is that any resources that you do find, are desperately finite. So as you continue to pillage and collect things from the world, pickings will invariably become very slim indeed until you’re literally scraping around for the most basic of supplies in a bid to just to keep yourself breathing, let alone actively engaged with the omni-present zombie horde.
The shrinking of collectable resources is just one way in which this hugely ambitious downloadable title aims to vary the experience from player to player as the whole world itself is completely dynamic; delivering brand new content and situations based on the choices that you make. Combat-wise, the game most closely resembles Capcom‘s Dead Rising series, with a focus on creative hand-to-hand combat and firearms use being looked at as premium method of offence, rather than the default one.
I’m quite hyped for this already, if only because I admire the sheer amount of ambition that is going into a downloadable game that unlike the majority of its full priceed peers, is trying to approach the pop culture mythos of the zombie apocalypse with a little more originality than just sticking a gun in their face and pressing the trigger over and over.
Take a look at the debut trailer below and see what you think:
State of Decay is due for release on PC and XBLA. No release date has yet been announced.
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