American Sign Language: ASL Zombie Signs


Begin by holding out your non-dominant hand out in a fist.

Then use your dominant hand to clamp down on the wrist of the non-dominant hand.

Begin by signing 'red' which is made by sliding the index finger down your chin.

Next the four fingers are shook up and down in front of the chin.

Begin with the sign for 'chain' which is made by making the 'F' hand shape and then alternating and linking

Next is the sign for 'wood' which is made by holding the non-dominant hand palm down and the dominant hand makes a sawing motion across the back of the non-dominant hand.

The sign ends with 'machine' which is made with the fingers interlocking and rivet up and down from the wrist.

The sign for contagious begins by making both hands into a flattened 'O' hand shape. Then the dominant hand slides over the top of the non-dominant hand.

Next the hands open up and move outwards as the fingers flutter.

The left hand is held out palm up and the right hand will be palm down, next both hands flip palm orientation.

A 'd' hand shape is held to the forehead and the abdomen

The 'C' hand shape is held to the throat.

The 'C' hand shape slides from the throat down to the chest.

The non-dominant hand is held out palm open, then the dominant hand makes a circular motion with a flattened 'O' hand.

Next the dominant hand crawls up the non-dominant arm.

The hands extend the pinky fingers and then zig-zag across the abdomen.

The left hand is held in the 'C' hand shape facing upwards while the right hand is held near the face with the index finger out and bent as if resting on a trigger; the thumb extended.

Version 1: The left hand is held thumb up and the index finger hooked on the thumb of the right hand. The right index finger then bends and extends quickly.

Version 2: The thumbs of both hands meet, the index fingers extend and bend quickly.

The middle finger of the right hand is held to the abdomen and the middle finger of left hand is held to the forehead.

The middle and index fingers are put to the side of the neck.

The sign for 'virus' begins by signing 'sick' which is done by touching the middle finger of the right hand to your abdomen and the middle finger of your left hand to the the forehead.

Next the fingers extend outward and the fingers flutter.

The hands are held up and at mid length from the chest and then shake slightly
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