Israeli Zombies Attack in CANNON FODDER
Eitan Gafny's Cannon Fodder holds the distinction of being one of Israel's first action horror movies, worth noting considering the number of excellent arthouse exports that often grace international screens (also worth noting that the project is so unique it garnered some airtime on Israel's Channel 2).
Gafny and his crew have finished shooting and the film is now well into post-production. They've released a pair of teaser trailers and a director message. The plot makes use of the cultural climate focusing on a security operative who takes one last job to capture a terrorist leader "number 3 in the terrorist organization of Hezbollah." The story takes a twist when the operative discovers the existence of zombies.
Thought the teasers don't provide anything new, I'm curious about the international flavour and Gafny makes some pretty big promises in his director's message. If he manages to deliver on even half of those, this is going to be awesome.
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