The apocalypse is coming ☢ Labour Weekend, Saturday October 20th, 2012
To embrace zombie pop culture, let loose our inner freak, dress up like undead creatures of dark fantasy and have crazy fun celebrating our uniqueness! As well as raise funds for Brain Injury Rotorua. Because seeing zombies have been eating brains all these years... it's time they gave back!
Company Overview
The apocalypse is coming in 2012... Rotorua's 3rd annual Zombie Walk will be bigger than ever! Freaks and geeks from all over NZ are invited to celebrate zombie pop culture covered in fake blood and guts, while 'giving back to brains' for a very worthy cause. You don't want to miss out on this!
The Rotorua Zombie Walk is an alternative fundraising event based on Zombie pop culture. The walk is held once per year in October around Halloween. People of all ages are invited, but the after party is usually restricted to those 18 and over. We have children from infants, to high school age, Uni students, mums, dads, wheelchair participants, right through to people in their 70s!Our generous sponsors always provide the most amazing prizes for categories like the following: Best Dressed, Best Acting Zombie, Best George A. Romero Zombie and more.
Join in this year, you won't be disappointed!
General Information
The Rotorua Zombie Walk is organised by Layla Robinson of Rotorua. All queries, or sponsorship offers should be made directly to Layla at Brain Injury Rotorua are not the organisers of the event, rather, they are the recipients of funds raised and also offer volunteers to assist with the event if necessary. We are proud to donate funds raised to Brain Injury Rotorua!
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