Sunday, October 14, 2012

Survive the Zombie Apocalypse with INFECTED

INFECTED, the first in the series of Click Your Poison books, pits its readers directly against hordes of the walking dead. As the main character, survival is fully in your hands; just click the links and the story flows for you based on your choices.
“Everyone has their zombie contingency plan, but there’s never been any way to test it,” says series creator James Schannep. “Now you can see how you’d hold up against the legions of undead—without needing to call the CDC because crazed bath salts users are trying to eat your face off.”

The book opens with a jab at our beauty-obsessed culture and America’s lax pharmaceutical regulations, where the reader is offered a miracle drug promising to be the fountain of youth:

“Immortality can be yours.
That’s right. After successful testing on lab rats, Gilgazyme is now ready for public consumption. It’s a revolutionary new gene therapy, invented by Dr. Richard Phoenix and Dr. Lewis Deleon, which promises to end aging after only one dose. Simply use the patented inhaler, and let science take care of the rest. Your flawed genetic code will be removed, and replaced by a new and improved stream in which you’ll never age another day (this statement has not been evaluated by the FDA).

Stay young and beautiful forever with Gilgazyme.”

But eternal life comes with a nasty side-effect: those infected by the drug become mindless automatons bent on consuming human flesh. The reader then finds themselves at the start of a world-ending zombie outbreak where they’re invited to, “Live, die, and rise again – based solely on the merit of your own choices.”

With three unique, overlapping storylines and over 50 possible endings, INFECTED has considerable replay value. And at under $5 for the eBook, readers should have plenty of cash leftover to stock their fallout shelters with canned food and ammunition. 

The book is available for sale on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, with other major retailers coming soon.

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