Friday, October 19, 2012

Zombies: 'The Complete Guide to the World of the Living Dead' by Zachary Graves

Zombies: The Complete Guide to the World of the Living Dead (2010) by Zachary Graves is 192 A4, full-colour pages of everything from the origins of zombie mythology to the evolution of horror zombies to zombies in pop and more. The sections included are: The Voodoo Zombie (Haitian Vodou, The Bokor, Zombie Powder, Zombie Magic etc), 'Real' Zombies (The Zombie Myth, Zombie Sightings, Felicia Felix-Mentor, Clairvius Narcisse etc.), and The Horror Zombie (Zombie Apocalypse, The Romero Zombie, Evolution of the Horror Zombie I & II, Zombie Comics etc.). 

It's a very entertaining read and whilst, as with anything that references popular culture, it will probably be out of date quite soon it still serves as a good introduction to the history and origins of modern zombies in various media formats. Obviously, none of the subjects covered are discussed in huge detail, but the author does try to give various, balanced points of view and approaches to each topic, rather than simply stating his opinions. This is particularly evident in the sections about Vodou, Voodoo, necromancy etc.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who has an interest in zombies, zombie-related mythology and zombie pop culture. While it may not be as in depth on each subject as some books, as an overview of everything zombie it's a great book!

1 comment:

  1. Interesting that sections on Voodoo and Vodou are included. I've done extensive research in those areas and it's quite intriguing. Have fun on the blog hop! Jet
