Thursday, January 29, 2015

Some Scientific Reasons Why a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail

We all know zombies are a creation of Hollywood and nothing else. Even if zombies were to start appearing, there's no way that they could take over the world like you see in the movies. Here are some scientific reasons why a zombie outbreak would fail.
Too Many Predators

Too Many Predators

Humans are at the top of the food chain for a reason. Humans have weapons, and intelligence at our disposal so killing mindless beasts that are running around trying to eat people is easier than it sounds. Also not to mention the other predators they'd have to deal with.
Zombies Can't Take the Heat

Zombies Can't Take the Heat

If there's one thing science knows, it is that heat speeds up the decomposition process. Once a heart stops beating, the rotting process begins. In a hot climate, zombies would decompose faster than they could become a true threat.
They Don't Like the Cold, Either

They Don't Like the Cold, Either

Because zombies are dead, they have no way of keeping themselves from freezing. Extreme cold temperatures will freeze the water in their bodies like a package of ground beef in the freezer. This will make them more rigid and slow them down considerably.
They Can't Heal from Damage

They Can't Heal from Damage

Zombies can't heal from the damage they would receive by aimlessly roaming around. That means that gunshots, lost limbs, and a bashed-in skull would greatly slow them down to the point that they could be killed easily.
People Have Weapons and Zombies Don't

People Have Weapons and Zombies Don't

Although most sources depict the undead as somewhat unstoppable, damage from a well-placed bullet is likely to stop a zombie. All you have to do is shoot one in the head and it's going down because it's not like it has the reflexes to move out of the way.
Zombies Lack Coordination

Zombies Lack Coordination

Zombies lack the necessary motor skills to pose much of a threat to anyone. They can't climb, they can't open doors and they can't run. This gives humans an even bigger advantage.
Biting Is a Horrible Way to Spread Disease

Biting Is a Horrible Way to Spread Disease

Viruses like the cold and flu infect via the air. In order for a zombie virus to spread, one person must bite another. This makes the form of transmission very unreliable. Those who are quick enough to sidestep a zombie would likely be safe from the disease.

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