Friday, March 1, 2013

KICKSTARTER PROJECT: Zombie House Blitz - Tabletop Card Game

As Zombie House Evacuation Specialists, you have been assigned to rescue 10 people from a local safe house. While awaiting escape cars, you are swarmed by others trying to escape the zombies. Do you stop and help them? How long can your 10 survivors wait in the safe house?

Zombie House Blitz prototype cards
Zombie House Blitz prototype cards
This is about a dream of doing something awesome. We're only intending to print enough Zombie House Blitz to cover this Kickstarter campaign. Some copies will show up at gaming conventions we attend, but not many. This game is not being produced in a quantity exceeding backer demand on here, and we don't intend to try to get the game sold in stores. This is about a dream, a dream of two friends in the gaming industry to work together on a project they love.
The designer, Jeremiah Lee, as a zombie.
The designer, Jeremiah Lee, as a zombie.
Players: 2-4
Ages 8+
Zombie House Blitz is a casual speed card game. Easy enough to play with kids (my 8-year-old daughter plays), and people who don't already play a lot of games. Each game takes about 20 minutes to play.
Players rely on quick thinking, quick hands, and some luck to keep their people away from zombies.
Players start with a stack of cards (their House), which represent the people who need to be saved. When ready, everyone tries to move people/cards from the House into stacks in the center of the table to escape and score points. There are no turns and no waiting for other players; if you aren't moving your cards quickly and making good decisions, the zombies will eat the little girls and you'll be left behind as another player stops the round by emptying his/her House.
Donn Zombie
Donn Zombie
Every copy of Zombie House Blitz will come with four decks of 36 cards each and the rulebook. That's a total of 144 cards, printed right here in Michigan. We also have some pretty cool stretch goals, which will be unlocked when certain conditions are met.

Facebook "Like" Goals!

ACCOMPLISHED! 50 Reveal Art of Card 4
ACCOMPLISHED! 100 Reveal Art of Card 5
ACCOMPLISHED! 200 Another Zombie Card Reveal
ACCOMPLISHED! 250 Reveal First Stretch $ Goal
500 Trick-Taking Rules
Click the LIKE button just below the video to help us get to these goals!
Dad is ready to go with car keys and cell phone!
Dad is ready to go with car keys and cell phone!
We are Donn Stroud (publisher) and Jeremiah Lee (designer). We've been gaming together for a few years and working in the gaming industry (designing, marketing, running booths at conventions) since 2007. As we've become more involved in games and the industry, we've learned a lot and wanted to take this opportunity to really make something happen.
Donn has two great kids and works for Rovi, the people behind the, and Jeremiah is a game designer and a full-time father of four young children. Jeremiah's biggest gaming achievement to date is winning the 2010 BoardGameGeek Golden Geek Best Print & Play Medal for Zombie in My Pocket.
Donn's favorite game is Chaos in the Old World, and Jeremiah's is The Resistance.

Risks and challenge

Difficulties can come up on any project. We're confident we can take care of any challenges because of the work we've already done and the planning that's in place to make production and shipping run smoothly.
We already have our printer selected and they're going to produce the game only a few hours' drive from our hometown. We've been to the facility, talked with the printers, and have open communication with key people there.
We've intentionally designed this project with ease of fulfillment in mind. As the number of backers grows, we have different plans on how we'll deal with packing and shipping your games. We're dedicated to ensuring you have your game by August 2013.

For moe info or to make a pledge, click here!

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